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المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 08:21، 30 يناير 2022

The 2022 fashion trends that will be everywhere[عدل]

If there was one article that every fashion girl would ecstatic to look forward to, it's the trend report, then this one would be, after all, who wouldn't want to do the glorious task of summarizing the popular looks seen at fashion weeks around the world and compiling the all-important list for fashionistas everywhere? But you're not here to read about our love of fashion, there's no doubt that you'd love to know all the trends for Spring 2022 and there's a lot to get excited about!

Looks like Spring/Summer 2022 will be the year of extras, extra color, extra style and extra details for sure! Think Fendi's feathered coats and Tom Ford's sparkly thrills if you need any clue, really, it's eclectic enough.

حراج شنط مستعملة أصلية

Feathered fashion The feather trim has quickly become an absolute fan favorite, with stylists at Bottega Veneta, Christian Cowan, David Koma and Fendi opting to partner the look. If you like jumping on trends quickly, now is the perfect time because according to Google Trends, searches for feathered dresses are now 4 times more popular than last year.