الفرق بين المراجعتين ل"بصمة وراثية"

من موسوعة المزرعة
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
(مراجعة متوسطة واحدة بواسطة مستخدم واحد آخر غير معروضة)
سطر 1: سطر 1:
Hello, This is Krish. I provide a variety of content writing services tailored to your needs. With my decade of experience, I can help create a content strategy that supports your business goals and write SEO-friendly website content($20/page up to 500words), blogs/articles($40/1000words), product descriptions($20/description upto 500words), email campaigns($20/campaign) and Social media posts; I also offer editing and proofreading.  
Are you looking for a personal assistant who can handle your daily business operations and make your life easier? I can help with tasks related to admin, marketing, gathering data from multiple websites, answering emails, website management, social media, content writing, planning new projects, bookkeeping, entering data into softwares, and back-office assistance. I have an Inhouse Content writer, social media specialist, Data Entry Operator, Website Developer and Bookkeeper. My costing varies from $8/hr to $30/hr depending on type of project and its complexity.  
Please shoot an email at webcontentwriting12@outlook.com to discuss this further.
If you are interested, send me an email at Businessgrowtogether@outlook.com with a list of tasks you want to accomplish, and We can discuss our collaboration over a video call as per your convenience.

المراجعة الحالية بتاريخ 21:14، 10 مارس 2025

Are you looking for a personal assistant who can handle your daily business operations and make your life easier? I can help with tasks related to admin, marketing, gathering data from multiple websites, answering emails, website management, social media, content writing, planning new projects, bookkeeping, entering data into softwares, and back-office assistance. I have an Inhouse Content writer, social media specialist, Data Entry Operator, Website Developer and Bookkeeper. My costing varies from $8/hr to $30/hr depending on type of project and its complexity.

If you are interested, send me an email at Businessgrowtogether@outlook.com with a list of tasks you want to accomplish, and We can discuss our collaboration over a video call as per your convenience.