< قالب:شريط بأعمدة(فرق) → مراجعة أقدم | المراجعة الحالية (فرق) | مراجعة أحدث ← (فرق)
{{شريط بأعمدة
| name = East Asia Summit (EAS)
| title = [[قمة شرق آسيا]]
| listclass = plainlist
| width = 18.25em
| padding = 10em
| aboveclass = hlist
| abovestyle = font-weight: bold;
| above =
* [[First East Asia Summit|First]]
* [[Second East Asia Summit|Second]]
* [[Third East Asia Summit|Third]]
* [[Fourth East Asia Summit|Fourth]]
* [[Fifth East Asia Summit|Fifth]]
* [[Sixth East Asia Summit|Sixth]]
* [[Seventh East Asia Summit|Seventh]]
| col1 =
* {{أستراليا}}
* {{بروناي}}
* {{بورما}}
| col2 =
* {{علم كمبوديا}}
* {{الصين}}
* {{الهند}}
| col3 =
* {{إندونيسيا}}
* {{علم اليابان}}
* {{لاوس}}
| col4 =
* {{ماليزيا}}
* {{نيوزيلندا}}
* {{الفلبين}}
| col5 =
* {{روسيا}}
* {{سنغافورة}}
* {{كوريا الجنوبية}}
| col6width = 17em
| col6 =
* {{تايلاند}}
* {{علم الولايات المتحدة}}
* {{VIE}}
مع تحديد العرض[عدل]
{{شريط بأعمدة
| name = Transit visibility table
| titlestyle = background:silver;
| title = [[عبور فلكي]] visibility from [[inferior and superior planets|planets superior]] to the transiting body
| listclass = plainlist
| colwidth = 14.2857%
| colstyle = text-align:center;
| col1header = Venus
| col1 =
* [[Transit of Mercury from Venus|Mercury]]
| col2header = Earth
| col2 =
* [[عبور عطارد]]
* [[عبور الزهرة]]
| col3header = Mars
| col3 =
* [[Transit of Mercury from Mars|Mercury]]
* [[Transit of Venus from Mars|Venus]]
* [[Transit of Earth from Mars|Earth]]
| col4header = Jupiter
| col4 =
* [[Transit of Mercury from Jupiter|Mercury]]
* [[Transit of Venus from Jupiter|Venus]]
* [[Transit of Earth from Jupiter|Earth]]
* [[Transit of Mars from Jupiter|Mars]]
| col5header = Saturn
| col5 =
* [[Transit of Mercury from Saturn|Mercury]]
* [[Transit of Venus from Saturn|Venus]]
* [[Transit of Earth from Saturn|Earth]]
* [[Transit of Mars from Saturn|Mars]]
* [[Transit of Jupiter from outer planets|Jupiter]]
| col6header = Uranus
| col6 =
* [[Transit of Mercury from Uranus|Mercury]]
* [[Transit of Venus from Uranus|Venus]]
* [[Transit of Earth from Uranus|Earth]]
* [[Transit of Mars from Uranus|Mars]]
* [[Transit of Jupiter from outer planets|Jupiter]]
* [[Transit of Saturn from outer planets|Saturn]]
| col7header = Neptune
| col7 =
* [[Transit of Mercury from Neptune|Mercury]]
* [[Transit of Venus from Neptune|Venus]]
* [[Transit of Earth from Neptune|Earth]]
* [[Transit of Mars from Neptune|Mars]]
* [[Transit of Jupiter from outer planets|Jupiter]]
* [[Transit of Saturn from outer planets|Saturn]]
* [[Transit of Uranus from Neptune|Uranus]]
| Venus | Earth | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | | | | | | | | |
Example with colnheader and colnfooter[عدل]
The gray background for the columns is added for illustration only.
colnheader and colnfooter example |
| col1header | col2header | col3header | col4header | | | | | | | col1footer | col2footer | col3footer | col4footer |
The gray background for the columns is added for illustration only. This example shows the colnheadercolspan parameter being used, but you may also use colnfootercolspan to adjust the span of the footer cells.
colnheader with colncolspan example |
| col1header | col2header (colspan=2) | col4header | col5header (colspan=3) | | | | | | | | |
Example to illustrate most fields[عدل]
The gray background and centered text for the columns is for illustration only. The columns default to an off-white background and left text alignment. This example shows how you can use up to six additional groups/lists after the columns.
Example to illustrate most fields |
| above | | col1header | col2header | col3header | col4header | col5header | | | | | | | | col1footer | col2footer | col3footer | col4footer | col5footer |
| | group1 | list1 |
| group2 | list2 |
| group3 | list3 |
| group4 | list4 |
| group5 | list5 |
| group6 | list6 |
| below |
Using child navboxes[عدل]
All three types of navbox templates, namely {{شريط}}, {{شريط بأعمدة}}, and {{شريط مركب}}, can be nested inside of one another using the border
parameter (which is common to all three). For complex templates, it may be necessary to use nesting to achieve a desired look.
Nesting Navbox with columns in itself[عدل]
This example shows how one can nest multiple {{شريط بأعمدة}} templates to get the right look. Edit this page to see the code. There is a main {{شريط بأعمدة}} and two additional {{شريط بأعمدة}} templates, with the "child" option set (see code).
Subgroups with nesting |
| Col1Header | Col2Header | Col3Header | Col4Header | |
| |
Col3.1Header | Col3.2Header | Col3.3Header | | | | |
| |
Nesting other Navbox forms[عدل]
This example shows {{شريط}}, {{شريط مركب}} and {{شريط بأعمدة}} all working together. Edit this page to see the code. Note that each of the child navboxes has the first parameter set to child
Navbox, Navbox with columns, and Navbox with collapsible groups together |
| | | Navbox with columns nested in itself |
| Col1Header | Col2Header | Col3Header | Col4Header | |
| |
Col3.1Header | Col3.2Header | Col3.3Header | | | | |
| |