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مراجعة 05:42، 6 مايو 2021 بواسطة Ahmad A Najar (نقاش | مساهمات) (أنشأ الصفحة ب'--[[ {{#invoke:ملعب/Mr. Ibrahem/5|getdate|P569}} {{#invoke:ملعب/Mr. Ibrahem/5|getdate|P570}} --]] local ModuleTime = require 'Module:wikidata2/time' local tempn...')
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![Light Bulb Icon.svg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Light_Bulb_Icon.svg/langar-25px-Light_Bulb_Icon.svg.png)
فضلًا اطلب حذف هذه التحويلة حذفًا سريعًا إن لم تكن ضرورية.
طالع عدد استخدامات القالب في المقالات (من هنا)
طالع عدد استخدامات القالب في المقالات (من هنا)
{{#invoke:Wikidata2 |formatStatements |property=P569 |addTrackingCat =s |value-module=wikidata2/P569-P570 |value-function=getdate }}
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- تحويل قالب:تسمية
![Light Bulb Icon.svg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Light_Bulb_Icon.svg/langar-25px-Light_Bulb_Icon.svg.png)
فضلًا اطلب حذف هذه التحويلة حذفًا سريعًا إن لم تكن ضرورية.
طالع عدد استخدامات القالب في المقالات (من هنا)
طالع عدد استخدامات القالب في المقالات (من هنا)
{{#invoke:Wikidata2 |formatStatements |property=P570 |addTrackingCat =s |value-module=wikidata2/P569-P570 |value-function=getdate }}
- عادي:
- قبل الميلاد:
- ولادة قبل ووفاة بعد الميلاد:
--[[ {{#invoke:ملعب/Mr. Ibrahem/5|getdate|P569}} {{#invoke:ملعب/Mr. Ibrahem/5|getdate|P570}} --]] local ModuleTime = require 'Module:wikidata2/time' local tempname = 'تاريخ الوفاة والعمر' local p = {} local o3 = '[[category:صفحات بها تواريخ بحاجة لمراجعة]]' function getdatepart(time , option) if time and time ~='' then if option =='y' then return tonumber(string.sub(time, 2, 5)) elseif option =='m' then return tonumber(string.sub(time, 7, 8)) elseif option =='d' then return tonumber(string.sub(time, 10, 11)) end end end function category(property, y, m, d) if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace ~= 0 then return '' end if property == 'P569' then prf = 'مواليد ' if d and m then cat2 = prf .. d.. ' ' .. m end elseif property == 'P570' then prf = 'وفيات ' end if y then cat = ' [[تصنيف:'.. prf .. y ..']]' end if cat2 then cate = ' [[تصنيف:'.. cat2 ..']]' end return (cat or '') .. (cate or '') end function getprop(propertyID,modifytime,entity) local val = formatStatements( {property =propertyID ,entityId=entity , modifytime =modifytime, noref='true' , firstvalue='true' }) mw.log( val ) return val end function mathyears(year, Ryear, month, Rmonth) -- Ryear = Date( "%Y" ) -- Rmonth =Date( "%m" ) -- Rday = os.date( "%e" ) -- if string.sub(Ryear, 1, 1) == '-' then Ryear = '+' .. string.sub(Ryear, 2) end if month and month ~='' then if Rmonth < month then val = Ryear - year - 1 else if Rmonth > month then val = Ryear - year else val = Ryear - year - 1 ..'–' .. Ryear - year end end else val = Ryear - year - 1 ..'–' .. Ryear - year --mw.log( "val.." .. val ) end if (Ryear - year) < 0 then val = val .. o3 elseif (Ryear - year) > 150 then val = val .. o3 elseif (year - Ryear) > 150 then val = val .. o3 end return val end local agecat = { "111","112","116","95","96","97","98","99","100","101","102","103","104","105","106","107","108","110","75","91" } function age(v, pr, add, property) local v_old = v if add and add ~='' then return '' else end -- if string.sub(Ryear, 1, 1) == '-' then Ryear = '+' .. string.sub(Ryear, 2) end -- val = mathyears(year, Ryear, month, Rmonth) v2 = tostring(v) if pr and pr ~='' then v = 'العمر ' .. v end ii = ' (' .. v ..' سنة)' if property and property == "P570" then Age_cat = false for k, l in pairs(agecat) do if v2 == l then Age_cat = true end end if Age_cat then ii = ii .. '[[category:وفيات بعمر ' .. v .. ']]' end end local start = mw.ustring.find( v, o3, 1, true ) if start == 0 or start == nil then return ii else return o3 end end function mathfulldate(yb, mb, db, Yd, Md, Dd) yd = Yd or tonumber(os.date( "%Y" )) md = Md or tonumber(os.date( "%m" )) dd = Dd or tonumber(os.date( "%e" )) function ma(f,s) if f < s then return '1' elseif f == s then return '1' else return '0' end end function foo(f,s) if f < s then return '1' else return '0' end end if not foo(db,db) == '0' or not ma(md,mb) == '0' then vv = '1' else vv = '0' end val = (yd)-(yb)-(vv) if (yd - yb) > 150 then val = val .. o3 elseif (yb - yd) > 150 then val = val .. o3 end return val end function linkdate(property, y, m, d) if y then year = '[['..y ..']]' end if m then if d then md = '[['.. d ..' ' .. m ..']] ' else md = '[['.. m ..']] ' end else year = 'سنة ' .. year end return (md or '') .. year .. category(property, y, m, d) end function getP570(P570precision,Timev,entity,P569precision,P569time) -- local P569precision = P569pre or getprop('P569','precision',entity) -- local P569time = P569tim or getprop('P569','q',entity) if string.sub(Timev, 1, 1) == '-' then timev = '+' .. string.sub(Timev, 2) P570addon = ' ق م' else timev= Timev end if P569time and P569time ~= '' then if string.sub(P569time, 1, 1) == '-' then P569time = '+' .. string.sub(P569time, 2) P569addon = ' ق م' end end local Dyear = getdatepart(timev,'y') local Dmonth =getdatepart(timev,'m') local Dmonthname =mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate( 'F', timev ) local Dday =getdatepart(timev,'d') local year = getdatepart(P569time ,'y') local month =getdatepart(P569time ,'m') local monthname =mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate( 'F', P569time ) local day =getdatepart(P569time ,'d') -- if P570precision and P570precision~= '' -- then --mw.log( 'P569precision: '.. P569precision ) --mw.log( 'P570precision: '.. P570precision ) if P569precision and P569precision ~= '' then -- Death date is full if P570precision == 11 or P570precision == '11' then if P569precision == 11 or P569precision == '11' then --doo = mathfulldate(year, month, day, Dyear, Dmonth, Dday) --dii = linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or ''), Dmonthname, Dday) .. age(doo, '', P570addon or P569addon , "P570") dii = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = tempname , args = { Dyear, Dmonth, Dday , year, month, day} } elseif P569precision == 10 or P569precision == '10' or P569precision == 9 or P569precision == '9' then dii = linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or ''), Dmonthname, Dday) .. age(mathyears(year, Dyear), '', P570addon or P569addon, "P570") else dii = ModuleTime.getdate( {time=Timev ,precision=tonumber(P570precision)} , {}) end -- Death date is year elseif P570precision == 10 or P570precision == '10' then dii = linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or ''), Dmonthname) .. age(mathyears(year, Dyear), '', P570addon or P569addon, "P570") elseif P570precision == 9 or P570precision == '9' then --####################### if P569precision == 10 or P569precision == '10' or P569precision == 9 or P569precision == '9' then dii = linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or '')) .. age(mathyears(year, Dyear), '', P570addon or P569addon, "P570") else dii = linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or '')) end --####################### else dii = ModuleTime.getdate( {time=Timev ,precision=tonumber(P570precision)} , {}) end else -- no P569 date if P570precision == 11 or P570precision == '11' then dii = linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or ''), Dmonthname, Dday) elseif P570precision == 10 or P570precision == '10' then dii = linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or ''), Dmonthname) elseif P570precision == 9 or P570precision == '9' then dii =linkdate('P570', Dyear .. (P570addon or '')) else dii = ModuleTime.getdate( {time=Timev ,precision=tonumber(P570precision)} , {}) end end -- else -- end return dii -- .. (P570addon or '') end function getP569(P569precision,Timev,entity,P570precision) -- local P570precision = P570pre or getprop('P570','precision',entity) -- local P570time = getprop('P570','q',entity) local P569addon = '' if string.sub(Timev, 1, 1) == '-' then timev = '+' .. string.sub(Timev, 2) P569addon = ' ق م' else timev= Timev end local year = getdatepart(timev,'y') local month = getdatepart(timev,'m') local monthname = mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate( 'F', timev ) local day = getdatepart(timev,'d') -- if P569precision and P569precision ~= '' -- then if P570precision and P570precision ~= '' then if P569precision == 11 or P569precision == '11' then val = linkdate('P569', year .. (P569addon or ''), monthname, day) elseif P569precision == 10 or P569precision == '10' then val = linkdate('P569', year .. (P569addon or ''), monthname) elseif P569precision == 9 or P569precision == '9' then val = linkdate('P569', year .. (P569addon or '')) else val = ModuleTime.getdate( {time=Timev ,precision=tonumber(P569precision)} , {}) end else if P569precision == 11 or P569precision == '11' then doo = mathfulldate(year, month, day) val = linkdate('P569', year .. (P569addon or ''), monthname, day) .. age(doo, '', P569addon, "P569") elseif P569precision == 10 or P569precision == '10' then val = linkdate('P569', year .. (P569addon or ''), monthname) .. age(mathyears(year, tonumber(os.date("%Y")), month, tonumber(os.date("%m"))), '', P569addon, "P569") elseif P569precision == '9' or P569precision == 9 then val = linkdate('P569', year .. (P569addon or '')) .. age(mathyears(year, tonumber(os.date("%Y"))), 't', P569addon, "P569") else val = ModuleTime.getdate( {time=Timev ,precision=tonumber(P569precision)} , {}) end end return val -- .. (P569addon or '') end function propert(precision,timev,propertyID,entity) local P569precision = getprop('P569','precision',entity) local P569time = getprop('P569','q',entity) --local P570precision = getprop('P570',c,entity) local P570precision = formatStatements( {property ='P570' ,entityId=entity , modifytime ='P570', noref='true' , firstvalue='true' , novalue = 'vv',somevalue = 'vv'}) local P569addon = '' -- if string.sub(P569time, 1, 1) == '-' then -- P569time = '+' .. string.sub(P569time, 2) -- P569addon = ' ق م' -- end if propertyID == 'P569' then val = getP569(precision, timev, entity, P570precision) elseif propertyID == 'P570' then val = getP570(precision,timev,entity,P569precision,P569time) end return val-- .. (addon or '') end function p.getdate( datavalue ,datatype , options) local propertyID = options.property local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(options.entityId) if datavalue.type == 'time' then precision = tonumber(datavalue.value.precision) timev = datavalue.value.time if precision == 9 or precision == 10 then timev = string.gsub(timev ,'-00T','-01T') end tt = propert(precision,timev,propertyID,entity.id) return tt end end function p.test(frame) local propertyID = frame.args.property if propertyID and propertyID ~='' then if propertyID == 'P569' then val= getP569(frame.args.P569pre,frame.args.P569time,entity,frame.args.P570pre) elseif propertyID == 'P570' then val= getP570(frame.args.P570pre,frame.args.P570time,entity,frame.args.P569pre,frame.args.P569time) end return val end end return p