< وحدة:Wikidata2
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مراجعة 10:45، 28 مارس 2021 بواسطة Abdul Aziz Alwafaay (نقاش | مساهمات) (أنشأ الصفحة ب' local flags = { Q805 = "Flag of Yemen.svg",-- YE Q16 = "Flag of Canada.svg",-- CAN Q17 = "Flag of Japan.svg",-- JPN Q20 = "Flag of Norway.svg",-- NOR Q27 = "Flag o...')
يمكن إنشاء صفحة توثيق الوحدة في وحدة:Wikidata2/Flags/شرح
local flags = { Q805 = "Flag of Yemen.svg",-- YE Q16 = "Flag of Canada.svg",-- CAN Q17 = "Flag of Japan.svg",-- JPN Q20 = "Flag of Norway.svg",-- NOR Q27 = "Flag of Ireland.svg",-- IRL Q28 = "Flag of Hungary.svg",-- HUN Q29 = "Flag of Spain.svg",-- ESP Q30 = "Flag of the United States.svg",-- USA Q31 = "Flag of Belgium (civil).svg",-- BEL Q32 = "Flag of Luxembourg.svg",-- LUX Q33 = "Flag of Finland.svg",-- FIN Q34 = "Flag of Sweden.svg",-- SWE Q35 = "Flag of Denmark.svg",-- DEN Q36 = "Flag of Poland.svg",-- POL Q37 = "Flag of Lithuania.svg",-- LTU Q38 = "Flag of Italy.svg",-- ITA Q39 = "Flag of Switzerland.svg",-- SUI Q40 = "Flag of Austria.svg",-- AUT Q41 = "Flag of Greece.svg",-- GRE Q43 = "Flag of Turkey.svg",-- TUR Q45 = "Flag of Portugal.svg",-- POR Q55 = "Flag of the Netherlands.svg",-- NED Q77 = "Flag of Uruguay.svg",-- URU Q96 = "Flag of Mexico.svg",-- MEX Q114 = "Flag of Kenya.svg",-- KEN Q115 = "Flag of Ethiopia.svg",-- ETH Q142 = "Flag of France.svg",-- FRA Q145 = "Flag of the United Kingdom.svg",-- GBR Q148 = "Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg",-- CHN Q155 = "Flag of Brazil.svg",-- BRA Q159 = "Flag of Russia.svg",-- RUS Q183 = "Flag of Germany.svg",-- GER Q184 = "Flag of Belarus.svg",-- BLR Q189 = "Flag of Iceland.svg",-- ISL Q191 = "Flag of Estonia.svg",-- EST Q211 = "Flag of Latvia.svg",-- LAT Q212 = "Flag of Ukraine.svg",-- UKR Q213 = "Flag of the Czech Republic.svg",-- CZE Q214 = "Flag of Slovakia.svg",-- SVK Q215 = "Flag of Slovenia.svg",-- SLO Q217 = "Flag of Moldova.svg",-- MDA Q218 = "Flag of Romania.svg",-- ROU Q219 = "Flag of Bulgaria.svg",-- BUL Q222 = "Flag of Albania.svg",-- ALB Q224 = "Flag of Croatia.svg",-- CRO Q227 = "Flag of Azerbaijan.svg",-- AZE Q228 = "Flag of Andorra.svg",-- AND Q229 = "Flag of Cyprus.svg",-- CYP Q232 = "Flag of Kazakhstan.svg",-- KAZ Q235 = "Flag of Monaco.svg",-- MON Q238 = "Flag of San Marino.svg",-- SMR Q241 = "Flag of Cuba.svg",-- CUB Q252 = "Flag of Indonesia.svg",-- INA Q258 = "Flag of South Africa.svg",-- RSA Q262 = "Flag of Algeria.svg",-- ALG Q265 = "Flag of Uzbekistan.svg",-- UZB Q298 = "Flag of Chile.svg",-- CHI Q334 = "Flag of Singapore.svg",-- SGP Q347 = "Flag of Liechtenstein.svg",-- LIE Q398 = "Flag of Bahrain.svg",-- BRN Q403 = "Flag of Serbia.svg",-- SRB Q408 = "Flag of Australia.svg",-- AUS Q414 = "Flag of Argentina.svg",-- ARG Q419 = "Flag of Peru.svg",-- PER Q664 = "Flag of New Zealand.svg",-- NZL Q711 = "Flag of Mongolia.svg",-- MGL Q717 = "Flag of Venezuela.svg",-- VEN Q733 = "Flag of Paraguay.svg",-- PAR Q736 = "Flag of Ecuador.svg",-- ECU Q739 = "Flag of Colombia.svg",-- COL Q750 = "Flag of Bolivia.svg",-- BOL Q754 = "Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg",-- TTO Q774 = "Flag of Guatemala.svg",-- GUA Q778 = "Flag of the Bahamas.svg",-- BAH Q783 = "Flag of Honduras.svg",-- HON Q786 = "Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg",-- DOM Q794 = "Flag of Iran.svg",-- IRI Q800 = "Flag of Costa Rica (state).svg",-- CRC Q801 = "Flag of Israel.svg",-- ISR Q804 = "Flag of Panama.svg",-- PAN Q813 = "Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg",-- KGZ Q817 = "Flag of Kuwait.svg",-- KUW Q833 = "Flag of Malaysia.svg",-- MAS Q842 = "Flag of Oman.svg",-- OMA Q846 = "Flag of Qatar.svg",-- QAT Q858 = "Flag of Syria.svg",-- SYR Q865 = "Flag of the Republic of China.svg",-- TPE Q869 = "Flag of Thailand.svg",-- THA Q878 = "Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg",-- UAE Q881 = "Flag of Vietnam.svg",-- VIE Q884 = "Flag of South Korea.svg",-- KOR Q916 = "Flag of Angola.svg",-- ANG Q921 = "Flag of Brunei.svg",-- BRU Q928 = "Flag of the Philippines.svg",-- PHI Q948 = "Flag of Tunisia.svg",-- TUN Q954 = "Flag of Zimbabwe.svg",-- ZIM Q965 = "Flag of Burkina Faso.svg",-- BUR Q983 = "Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg",-- GEQ Q986 = "Flag of Eritrea.svg",-- ERI Q1000 = "Flag of Gabon.svg",-- GAB Q1007 = "Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg",-- GBS Q1008 = "Flag of Côte d'Ivoire.svg",-- CIV Q1009 = "Flag of Cameroon.svg",-- CMR Q1027 = "Flag of Mauritius.svg",-- MRI Q1028 = "Flag of Morocco.svg",-- MAR Q1030 = "Flag of Namibia.svg",-- NAM Q1036 = "Flag of Uganda.svg",-- UGA Q1037 = "Flag of Rwanda.svg",-- RWA Q9676 = "Flag of the Isle of Man.svg",-- IMN Q15180 = "Flag of the Soviet Union.svg",-- URS Q16957 = "Flag of East Germany.svg",-- GDR Q8646 = "Flag of Hong Kong.svg",-- HKG Q25228 = "Flag of Anguilla.svg",-- AIA Q29999 = "Flag of the Netherlands.svg",-- NED Q33946 = "Flag of the Czech Republic.svg",-- TCH Q36704 = "Flag of Yugoslavia (1992–2003).svg",-- YUG Q41304 = "Flag of Germany (3-2 aspect ratio).svg",-- GER Q83286 = "Flag of Yugoslavia (1943–1992).svg",-- YUG Q172579 = "Flag of Italy (1861–1946).svg",-- ITA Q216923 = "Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg",-- TPE Q268970 = "Flag of Austria.svg",-- AUT Q713750 = "Flag of Germany.svg",-- FRG Q853348 = "Flag of the Czech Republic.svg",-- TCH Q2415901 = "Merchant flag of Germany (1946–1949).svg",-- GER Q13474305 = "Flag of Spain (1945–1977).svg",-- ESP } return flags