قالب:معلومات سلالة خروف/شرح

من موسوعة المزرعة
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث


{{معلومات سلالة خروف
| name          = name of sheep breed
| image         = image.ext
| image_size    = image size
| image_alt     = alt text for image; see [[WP:ALT]]
| image_caption = caption
| status        = conservation status (extinct, critical, endangered, etc)
| altname       = alternate name; use {{قائمة غير مرقمة}} if more than one
| country       = country of origin
| distribution  = distribution
| standard      = [url Entity]; use {{قائمة غير مرقمة}} if more than one
| type          = e.g., upland, lowland, fat-tailed, hair
| use           = e.g., meat, wool, milk, vegetation control
| nickname      = nickname; use {{قائمة غير مرقمة}} if more than one
| maleweight    = male weight
| femaleweight  = female weight
| maleheight    = male height
| femaleheight  = female height
| skincolor     = skin color
| woolcolor     = wool color
| facecolor     = face color
| horns         = horned or hornless
| note          = extra notes
{{معلومات سلالة خروف
| name          = 
| image         = 
| image_size    = 
| image_alt     = 
| image_caption = 
| status        = 
| altname       = 
| country       = 
| distribution  = 
| standard      =
| type          = 
| use           = 
| nickname      = 
| maleweight    = 
| femaleweight  = 
| maleheight    = 
| femaleheight  = 
| skincolor     = 
| woolcolor     = 
| facecolor     = 
| horns         = 
| note          = 