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يمكن إنشاء صفحة توثيق الوحدة في وحدة:Cite/1/شرح
--/-- Creates a timeline for an item based on various properties local propsamling = { "P143", "P304", "P50", "P212", "P957", "P854", "P478", "P98", "P393", "P1476", "P357", "P123", "P577", "P248", "P433", "P275", "P698", "P356", "P958", "P1433", "P1680", 'P1683', 'P387'} local p = {} local wikidata = require('وحدة:Wikidata2').formatStatementsFromLua local wikidata2 = require('وحدة:Wikidata2').formatEntityId local function helpednumber(items, property) for i, item in pairs(items) do ednumber = wikidata({entityId = item, property = property, firstvalue= 'yes'}) if ednumber then return ednumber end end end local function getPage(items, refsnak) local page = wikidata({property = 'P304', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak) if not page then page = helpednumber(items, "P304") end if page then return 's. ' .. page end end local function getarticle(items, refsnak) local s = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do local s2 = wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P958', noref = 'true'}) if s2 then table.insert(s, '”' .. s2 .. '”') end end local s3 = wikidata({property = 'P958'}, refsnak) if s3 then table.insert(s, '”' .. s3 .. '”') end return table.concat(s, ' — ') end local function getquote(items, refsnak) local s = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do local s2 = wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P1683', noref = 'true'}) if s2 then table.insert(s, '”' .. s2 .. '”') end end local s3 = wikidata({property = 'P1683'}, refsnak) if s3 then table.insert(s, '”' .. s3 .. '”') end for i, item in pairs(items) do local s2 = wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P387', noref = 'true'}) if s2 then table.insert(s, '”' .. s2 .. '”') end end local s4 = wikidata({property = 'P387'}, refsnak) if s4 then table.insert(s, '”' .. s4 .. '”') end return table.concat(s, ' — ') end local function getauthor(items, refsnak) local s = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do if item ~= 'Q36578' then table.insert(s, wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P50', noref = 'true', conjunction = ' & '})) end end table.insert(s, wikidata({property = 'P50', conjunction = ' & '}, refsnak)) return table.concat(s, ' — ') end local function getISBN(items, refsnak) local ISBN = nil for i, item in pairs(items) do ISBN = wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P212', firstvalue= 'yes', noref = 'true'}) --ISBN 13 if ISBN then return 'ISBN ' .. ISBN end end ISBN = wikidata({property = 'P212', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak) if ISBN then return 'ISBN ' .. ISBN end for i, item in pairs(items) do ISBN = wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P957', firstvalue= 'yes', noref = 'true'}) --ISBN 10 if ISBN then return 'ISBN ' .. ISBN end end ISBN = wikidata({property = 'P957', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak) if ISBN then return 'ISBN ' .. ISBN end return nil end local function getLink(items, refsnak ) local links = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(links , wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P854', label = 'وصلة مرجع', noref = 'true'})) end table.insert(links , wikidata({property = 'P854', label = 'وصلة مرجع'} , refsnak)) return table.concat(links) end local function getHamtdatum(items, refsnak ) local hamtdatum = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(hamtdatum, wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P813', noref = 'true', modifytime = 'longdate' })) end table.insert(hamtdatum, wikidata({property = 'P813', modifytime = 'longdate'}, refsnak)) local tot = table.concat(hamtdatum) if tot and tot ~= '' then return 'تاريخ الاطلاع: ' .. tot end end local function getVolume(items, refsnak ) local page = wikidata({property = 'P478', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak) or helpednumber(items, "P478") if page then return 'vol. ' .. page end end local function getMost(items, refsnak, property ) local A = wikidata({property = 'P1629', entityId = property, firstvalue= 'true', noref = 'true', label = wikidata2(property, {nolink = 'true', noref = 'true'}).value}) local B = {wikidata({property = property, firstvalue= 'true', pattern = 'autourl2'}, refsnak)} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(B, wikidata({entityId = item, property = property, pattern = 'autourl2', noref = 'true'})) end if #B > 0 then return A .. ': ' .. table.concat(B) end end local function getEditor(items, refsnak ) local s = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(s, wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P98', noref = 'true', conjunction = ' & '})) end table.insert(s, wikidata({property = 'P98', conjunction = ' & '}, refsnak)) local tot = table.concat(s, ' — ') if tot and tot ~= '' then return tot .. ' (red.)' end end local function getedition(items, refsnak ) local ordning = {'الأول', 'الثاني', 'الثالث', 'الرابع', 'الخامس', 'السادس', 'السابع', 'الثامن', 'التاسع', 'العاشر', 'الحادي عشر', 'الثاني عشر'} local ednumber = wikidata({property = 'P393', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak) if not ednumber then ednumber = helpednumber(items, "P393") end if not ednumber then return nil end if not tonumber(ednumber) then return ednumber .. ' utgåvan' end if ordning[tonumber(ednumber)] then return ordning[tonumber(ednumber)] .. ' utgåvan' end local sist = string.sub(ednumber, string.len(ednumber)) if sist == '1' or sist == '2' then return ednumber .. ':a utgåvan' else return ednumber .. ':e utgåvan' end end local function getsubtitle(items, refsnak)-- needs i18n some languages do not use this format local s = {} table.insert(s, wikidata({property = 'P1680', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak)) for i, item in pairs( items ) do local lab = wikidata({property = 'P1680', entityId = item, firstvalue= 'true', noref = 'true'}) local sitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink( item ) if sitelink and lab then table.insert(s, '[[:' .. sitelink .. '|' .. lab .. ']]') elseif lab then table.insert(s, lab) end end tot = table.concat(s, ' — ') if tot and tot ~= '' then return tot else return nil end end local function gettitle(items, refsnak)-- needs i18n some languages do not use this format local subtitle = getsubtitle(items, refsnak) local s = {} table.insert(s, wikidata({property = 'P1476', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak) or wikidata({property = 'P357', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak)) for i, item in pairs( items ) do local lab = wikidata({property = 'P1476', entityId = item, firstvalue= 'true', noref = 'true'}) or wikidata({property = 'P357', entityId = item, firstvalue= 'true', noref = 'true'}) if not lab then lab = wikidata2(item, {nolink = 'true', noref = 'true'}).value end local sitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink( item ) if sitelink then table.insert(s, '[[:' .. sitelink .. '|' .. lab .. ']]') else table.insert(s, lab) end end tot = table.concat(s, ' — ') if tot and tot ~= '' then if subtitle and subtitle ~= '' then return '<i>' .. tot .. ' : ' .. subtitle .. '</i>' else return '<i>' .. tot .. '</i>' end else return nil end end local function getissue(items, refsnak) local issue = wikidata({property = 'P433', firstvalue= 'true'}, refsnak) if not issue then issue = helpednumber(items, "P433") end if issue then return issue end end local function getpublisher(items, refsnak ) local s = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(s, wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P123', noref = 'true'})) end table.insert(s, wikidata({property = 'P123'}, refsnak)) local tot = table.concat(s, ' — ') if tot and tot ~= '' then return tot end end local function getpublishedin(items, refsnak ) local s = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(s, wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P1433', noref = 'true'})) end table.insert(s, wikidata({property = 'P1433'}, refsnak)) local tot = table.concat(s, ' — ') if tot and tot ~= '' then return tot end end local function getPublishdate(items, refsnak ) local publishdate = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(publishdate, wikidata({entityId = item, property = 'P577', noref = 'true', modifytime = 'longdate' })) end table.insert(publishdate, wikidata({property = 'P577', modifytime = 'longdate'}, refsnak)) local tot = table.concat(publishdate) if tot and tot ~= '' then return tot end end local function getwhatever(items, refsnak, property) local a = wikidata({property = 'P1629', entityId = property, firstvalue= 'true', noref = 'true', label = wikidata2(property, {nolink = 'true', noref = 'true'}).value}) if property == "P143" then a = 'مستورد من [[تصنيف:صفحات بها مراجع مستورد من ويكي]]' end local s = {} for i, item in pairs(items) do table.insert(s, wikidata({entityId = item, property = property, noref = 'true', conjunction = ' — '})) end table.insert(s, wikidata({property = property, conjunction = ' — '}, refsnak)) if #s > 0 then return a .. ': ' .. table.concat(s, ' — ') end end local function gettherest(items, refsnak) local s = {} for i, j in pairs(refsnak) do finns = false for k, l in pairs(propsamling) do if i == l then finns = true end end if not finns then local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( i ) if ( entity.datatype == 'string' or entity.datatype == 'external-id' ) and entity.claims and entity.claims.P1629 then table.insert(s, getMost(items, refsnak, i)) end end end if #s > 0 then return table.concat(s) end end local function citebook(item, lang, page) local publishdate = getpublishdate(item ) local author = getauthor(item ) local editor = getEditor(item ) local title = getbooktitle(item ) local publisher = getpublisher(item ) local publishedin = getpublishedin(item ) local edition = getedition(item ) local isbn = getISBN(item ) local doi = getDoi(item ) local pmid = getPmid(item ) local link = getLink(item ) local volume = getVolume(item ) local pagenumber = formatpage(page, lang) local license = getlicense(item ) local fields = {} table.insert(fields, author) table.insert(fields, editor) table.insert(fields, title) table.insert(fields, edition) table.insert(fields, volume) table.insert(fields, publisher) table.insert(fields, publishedin) table.insert(fields, publishdate) table.insert(fields, pagenumber) table.insert(fields, isbn) table.insert(fields, doi) table.insert(fields, pmid) table.insert(fields, link) table.insert(fields, license) return linguistic.conj(fields, lang, "comma") end local function citearticle(item, lang, page) local fields = {} table.insert(fields, author) table.insert(fields, title) table.insert(fields, publisher) table.insert(fields, publishedin) table.insert(fields, journal) table.insert(fields, volume) table.insert(fields, issue) table.insert(fields, publishdate) table.insert(fields, pagenumber) table.insert(fields, doi) table.insert(fields, pmid) table.insert(fields, link) table.insert(fields, license) return linguistic.conj(fields, lang, "comma") end function p.citeitem(items, refsnak, options) if not items and not refsnak then return nil end if type(items) == 'string' then items = {items} end local author = getauthor(items, refsnak ) local editor = getEditor(items, refsnak ) local article = getarticle(items, refsnak ) local title = gettitle(items, refsnak ) local publisher = getpublisher(items, refsnak ) local publishedin = getpublishedin(items, refsnak ) local publishdate = getPublishdate(items, refsnak ) local edition = getedition(items, refsnak ) local issue = getissue(items, refsnak ) local page = getPage(items, refsnak ) local isbn = getISBN(items, refsnak ) local doi = getMost(items, refsnak, "P356" ) local pmid = getMost(items, refsnak, "P698" ) local import = getwhatever(items, refsnak, "P143" ) local link = getLink(items, refsnak ) local hamtdatum = getHamtdatum(items, refsnak ) local volume = getVolume(items, refsnak ) local license = getwhatever(items, refsnak, "P275" ) local therest = gettherest(items, refsnak) local citatet = getquote(items, refsnak) if title and title ~= '' and subtitle and subtitle ~= '' then --title = title .. ' : ' .. subtitle end field = {} if import and import ~= '' then table.insert(field, import) end if author and author ~= '' then table.insert(field, author) end if editor and editor ~= '' then table.insert(field, editor) end if article and article ~= '' then table.insert(field, article) end if title and title ~= '' then table.insert(field, title) end if edition and edition ~= '' then table.insert(field, edition) end if volume and volume ~= '' then table.insert(field, volume) end if issue and issue ~= '' then table.insert(field, issue) end if publisher and publisher ~= '' then table.insert(field, publisher) end if publishedin and publishedin ~= '' then table.insert(field, publishedin) end if publishdate and publishdate ~= '' then table.insert(field, publishdate) end if page and page ~= '' then table.insert(field, page) end if isbn and isbn ~= '' then table.insert(field, isbn) end if doi and doi ~= '' then table.insert(field, doi) end if pmid and pmid ~= '' then table.insert(field, pmid) end if therest and therest ~= '' then table.insert(field, therest) end if link and link ~= '' then table.insert(field, link) end if hamtdatum and hamtdatum ~= '' then table.insert(field, hamtdatum) end if license and license ~= '' then table.insert(field, license) end if citatet and citatet ~= '' then table.insert(field, citatet) end return table.concat(field, ' — ') end function p.cite(frame) local lang = frame.args.lang if not lang or lang == '' then lang = frame:preprocess('{{int:lang}}') end local page = frame.args.page if page == '' then page = nil end return p.citeitem(frame.args.item, lang, page) end return p