وحدة:Medical resources
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في قالب: {{مصادر طبية}}.
مثال في صفحة (Q12199):
خطأ لوا في وحدة:Identifiers على السطر 137: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
خطأ لوا في وحدة:Uses_Wikidata على السطر 71: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
local p = {} local Identifier = require('Module:Identifiers') local Classification = {'P494','P493','P492','P486','P4229','P1692','P557','P563','P1690','P1691'} -- local External = { 'P1395','P1461','P1583','P1748','P1930','P2004','P2074','P2892','P3329','P3827','P4233','P4235','P4236' ,'P4317','P4670','P508' ,'P592','P595','P604','P663','P673','P699','P704','P950', 'P686', 'P1694', 'P4338', 'P7410' } local propslabel ={ ['P686']= 'GO', ['P1694']= 'TH', ['P1395']= 'NCI ID', ['P1461']= 'Patient UK', ['P1583']= 'MalaCards ID', ['P1748']= 'NCI Thesaurus ID', ['P3827']= 'JSTOR ID', ['P1692']= 'ICD9CM', ['P4229']= 'ICD10CM', ['P563']= 'ICDO', ['P1690']= 'ICD10PCS', ['P1930'] = 'DSM-V', ['P2004']= 'NALT ID', ['P2074']= 'internetmedicin.se ID', ['P2892']= 'UMLS CUI', ['P3329']= 'CIViC variant ID', ['P4233']= 'PatientLikeMe condition ID', ['P4235']= 'PatientLikeMe treatment ID', ['P4236']= 'PatientLikeMe symptom ID', ['P4317']= 'GARD rare disease ID', ['P4670']= 'Sjukvårdsrådgivningen Category ID', ['P486']= 'MeSH ID', ['P492']= 'OMIM ID', ['P493'] = 'ICD-9', ['P494'] = 'ICD-10', ['P508']= 'BNCF', ['P557']= 'DiseaseDB', ['P592']= 'ChEMBL ID', ['P595']= 'Guide to Pharmacology Ligand ID', ['P604']= 'MedlinePlus ID', ['P663'] ='DSM-IV', ['P673']= 'eMedicine', ['P699']= 'Disease ontology', ['P704']= 'Ensembl Transcript ID', ['P950']= 'BNE ID', ['P1691']= 'OPS', ['P4338']= 'LOINC ID' } local patterns ={ ['P1748'] = '[https://ncit.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI%20Thesaurus&code=$1 NCI Thesaurus ID]' , ['P1461'] = '[http://patient.info/doctor/$1 Patient UK]' , --['P2752'] = '[http://www.nzor.org.nz/names/$1 NZOR ID]', } local url_labels ={ --['P1421'] = 'GRIN Taxonomy ID' } local i8 = { ["tracking"] = '[[تصنيف:مصادر طبية من ويكي بيانات]]', ["without"]= "[[تصنيف:مصادر طبية غير موجودة]]", ["g1"] = "التصنيفات الطبية", ["g2"] = "المعرفات الخارجية", ["name"] = 'مصادر طبية', } function p.t( frame ) local options = frame:getParent().args or frame.args t = {} t.Props = Classification t.props2 = External t.Propslabel = propslabel t.Patterns = patterns t.Url_labels = url_labels t.I8 = i8 ab = Identifier.Statement_from_lua( options , t ) return ab end function p.list( frame ) return Identifier.make_list( Classification ) .. Identifier.make_list( External ) end return p