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local p = {} function p.office3( statement , options) -- used by قالب:معلومات صاحب منصب/منصب ويكي بيانات local value = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value local start , finish , before , after , constituency , series ,electedin ,P1001 ,P108 ,P642 ,president ,premier , p5054 , P2937 = "" local entit = getEntityIdFromValue( value ) local s = formatSnak( statement.mainsnak, options ).value if s then local entit = getEntityIdFromValue( value ) local ca1 = formatStatements( {property ='P154', entityId = entit , noref ='true' ,rank='all' ,size ='35',image ='image', firstvalue='true',separator='',conjunction=''}) local ca2 = formatStatements( {property ='P41', entityId = entit , noref ='true' ,rank='all' ,size ='35',image ='image', firstvalue='true',separator='',conjunction=''}) if ca1 and ca1 ~= '' then caca = ca1 else caca = ca2 end local asdf = formatEntityId( entit , options ).value if asdf and asdf ~= '' then if caca and caca ~= '' then s = caca .. ' '.. asdf else s = asdf end end if statement.references then if options.reff and options.reff ~= '' then reff = formatReferences( statement, options ) s = s..reff end end ---------- function qua(property, enbarten, modifytime) ca = formatStatements({property = property,illwd2= "t" , firstvalue= enbarten ,modifytime = modifytime}, statement.qualifiers) or '' if ca and ca ~='' then return addTrackingCategory(ca ,{property=property,noicon='t'}) else return ca end end ---------- --if options.office2 and options.office2 ~= '' then if statement.qualifiers then if statement.qualifiers.P580 or statement.qualifiers.P582 or statement.qualifiers.P1365 or statement.qualifiers.P1366 then start = qua("P580", 'true', 'longdate') finish = qua("P582", 'true', 'longdate') before = qua("P1365", 'true', '') after = qua("P1366", 'true', '') constituency = qua("P768", '', '') series = qua("P1545", 'true', '') electedin =qua("P2715", '', '') P1001 = qua("P1001", '', '') P108 = qua("P108", '', '') P642 = qua("P642", '', '') president = qua("P325", '', '') premier= qua("P6", '', '') p5054= qua("P5054", '', '') P2937= qua("P2937", '', '') end --if entit == "Q140686" and not P642 or P642 == "" then return s end end end s = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = "معلومات صاحب منصب/منصب ويكي بيانات/نواة" , args = { office = s , termstart = start , termend = finish , constituency = constituency , predecessor = before , successor = after , president = president , premier = premier , series = series , electedin = electedin , jurisdiction = P1001 , employer = P108 , of = P642 , P2937 = P2937 , q = entit , P5054 = p5054 , entityId = options.entityId , co = options.co } } --end return s end return p