
من موسوعة المزرعة
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

-- Den ordning fallback language hämtas, om svensk label saknas. Engelska först, därefter bokmål, danska, etc... -- local fallback = {'en', 'nb', 'da', 'nn', 'de', 'fr', 'es', 'it', 'pt'} local formatera = require('وحدة:Math') local i18n = {

   ["errors"] = {
       ["property-param-not-provided"] = "Property parameter not provided.",
       ["entity-not-found"] = "Entity not found.",
       ["unknown-claim-type"] = "Unknown claim type.",
       ["unknown-snak-type"] = "Unknown snak type.",
       ["unknown-datatype"] = "Unknown datatype.",
       ["unknown-entity-type"] = "Unknown entity type.",
       ["unknown-value-module"] = "You must set both value-module and value-function parameters.",
       ["value-module-not-found"] = "The module pointed by value-module not found.",
       ["value-function-not-found"] = "The function pointed by value-function not found."
   ["somevalue"] = "", --غير محدد
   ["novalue"] =--قيمة مجهولة

} local sortingproperties = {'P585','P571','P580','P569','P582','P570'}

local cateref =

function catewikidatainfo(options) local prop = options.property local catewikidatainfo = return catewikidatainfo end

function versalisering(label, options) local versalisering = options.versalisering if options.firstversalisering and options.num == 1 then versalisering = options.firstversalisering end if not versalisering or versalisering == then return label end if versalisering == 'lcfirst' then return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("" .. label .. "") elseif versalisering == 'ucfirst' then return mw.language.getContentLanguage():ucfirst( label ) elseif versalisering == 'lc' then return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("" .. label .. "") elseif versalisering == 'uc' then return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("" .. LABEL .. "") end return label end function getqualifierbysortingproperty(claim, sortingproperty) for k, v in pairs(sortingproperty) do if claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers[v] and claim.qualifiers[v][1].snaktype == 'value' then return claim.qualifiers[v][1].datavalue.value.time end end return nil end

function getDate(claim, options) local sortingproperty = sortingproperties if type(options.sortingproperty) == 'table' then sortingproperty = options.sortingproperty elseif type(options.sortingproperty) == 'string' then sortingproperty = {options.sortingproperty} end return getqualifierbysortingproperty(claim, sortingproperty) end

function getDateArb(claim, options) local sortingproperty = options.sortingproperty or 'P569' if claim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then local item = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] if claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value['entity-type'] == 'item' then item = 'Q' .. item elseif claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value['entity-type'] == 'property' then item = 'P' .. item end return formatStatements({property = sortingproperty, entityId = item, enbarten = 'ja', sortbytime = 'chronological', noref = 'ja'}) end end

function comparedates(a, b) if a and b then return a > b elseif a then return true end end

function sortbyqualifier(claims, options)

table.sort(claims, function(a,b) local timeA = getDate(a, options) local timeB = getDate(b, options) if options.sortbytime == 'inverted' then return comparedates(timeB, timeA) else return comparedates(timeA, timeB) end end ) return claims end

function sortbyarb(claims, options)

table.sort(claims, function(a,b) local timeA = getDateArb(a, options) local timeB = getDateArb(b, options) if options.sortbyarbitrary == 'inverted' then return comparedates(timeB, timeA) else return comparedates(timeA, timeB) end end ) return claims end

function getLabelFromFallBack( id ) local entity = getEntityFromId( id ) if not entity.labels then return {value = '' .. id .. '', language = } end

	for k, v in pairs(fallback) do

if entity.labels[v] then return {value = entity.labels[v].value, language = entity.labels[v].language} end end -- Om inget fallback-språk finns av de i variabeln ovan, så används det först definierade i objektet if entity.labels then for v, k in pairs(entity.labels) do return {value = k.value, language = k.language} end end return {value = '-', language = } end

function getEntityFromId( id ) if id then return mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( id ) else return mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() end end

function getEntityIdFromValue( value )

   if value['entity-type'] == 'item' then
       return 'Q' .. value['numeric-id']
   elseif value['entity-type'] == 'property' then
       return 'P' .. value['numeric-id']
       return formatError( 'unknown-entity-type' )


function formatError( key )

   return i18n.errors[key]


function formatStatements( options, ref )

  	local formattedStatements = {}
  	local claims = {}
  	if not options.property then
      	return formatError( 'property-param-not-provided' )
   if type(ref) == 'table' then -- för de fall där funktionen anropas och alla claims redan finns i en tabell

claims = ref[options.property] or {} else

   	--Get entity
   	local entity = nil
   	if options.entity and type( options.entity ) == "table" then
       	entity = options.entity
       	entity = getEntityFromId( options.entityId )

   	if not entity then
       	return  --TODO error?

   	if not entity.claims or not entity.claims[options.property:upper()] then
       	return  --TODO error?

   	--Format statement and concat them cleanly

if options.rank == 'best' or not options.rank then claims = entity:getBestStatements( options.property:upper() ) elseif options.rank == 'valid' then for i, statement in pairs( entity.claims[options.property:upper()] ) do if statement.rank == 'preferred' or statement.rank == 'normal' then

   				table.insert( claims, statement )

end elseif options.rank == 'all' then for i, statement in pairs( entity.claims[options.property:upper()] ) do table.insert( claims, statement ) end else for i, statement in pairs( entity.claims[options.property:upper()] ) do if statement.rank == options.rank then table.insert( claims, statement ) end end end if options.avoidqualifier then local claims2 = {} for i, statement in pairs( claims ) do if not statement.qualifiers or not statement.qualifiers[options.avoidqualifier:upper()] then table.insert( claims2, statement) end end claims = claims2 end --om det finns vissa statements som har en qualifier som säger "språk = svenska", ta bara med dessa --alternativt om det finns statements som har en qualifier som säger "skriptsystem == latinska alfabetet" if not options.langpref or options.langpref == then local claims2 = {} for i, statement in pairs( claims ) do if statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers.P407 then for k, v in pairs( statement.qualifiers.P407 ) do if v.snaktype == 'value' and v.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == 13955 then -- Q13955 = 'العربية' table.insert( claims2, statement ) end end elseif statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers.P282 then for k, v in pairs( statement.qualifiers.P282 ) do if v.snaktype == 'value' and v.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == 8196 then -- Q8196 = 'أبجدية عربية' table.insert( claims2, statement ) end end end end if #claims2 > 0 then claims = claims2 end end if options.sortbytime == 'chronological' or options.sortbytime == 'inverted' then claims = sortbyqualifier(claims, options) elseif options.sortbyarbitrary == 'chronological' or options.sortbyarbitrary == 'inverted' then claims = sortbyarb(claims, options) end end if options.enbarten and options.enbarten ~= and #claims > 1 then claims = {claims[1]} end local statementsraw = {} if claims then for i, statement in pairs( claims ) do options.num = i local stat = formatStatement( statement, options ) if stat then local s = stat.value local d = stat.datum local tf = stat.tifr local awardqual = stat.foto local pr = stat.pr local utgivort = stat.utgivort local ro = stat.ro local qp1a = stat.qp1a local onlyqualifier = stat.onlyqualifier local qp1 = stat.qp1 local qp2 = stat.qp2 local qp3 = stat.qp3 local qp4 = stat.qp4 local qp5 = stat.qp5

local amatch =stat.amatch local goal =stat.goal

local start2 = stat.start1 local finish2 = stat.finish1 local before2 = stat.before1 local after2 = stat.after1 local constituency2 = stat.constituency1 local series2 = stat.series1 local electedin2 = stat.electedin1 local P1001 = stat.pp1001

if s == then s = nil end if s then if options.football and options.football ~= then s =mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = "صندوق معلومات سيرة كرة قدم/سطر فريق", args = {(start2 or ),(finish2 or ) ,s,amatch,goal } } end

if options.office and options.office ~= then s = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = "معلومات صاحب منصب/منصب ويكي بيانات/نواة", args = {office = s, termstart = start2, termend = finish2, constituency = constituency2, predecessor = before2, successor = after2, series= series2,electedin=electedin2,jurisdiction=P1001,entityId=options.entityId} }

end if qp1 and options.qual1 and options.qual1 and qp1a and options.qual1a and options.qual1a ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (').. (options.qual1pref or ).. qp1 ..(options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. (options.qp1apref or ) .. qp1a .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) else if qp1 and options.qual1 and options.qual1 ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (').. (options.qual1pref or ) .. qp1 .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) else if qp1a and options.qual1a and options.qual1a ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (').. (options.qp1apref or ) .. qp1a .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end end end if qp2 and options.qual2 and options.qual2 ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (').. (options.qual2pref or ) .. qp2 .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if qp3 and options.qual3 and options.qual3 ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (').. (options.qual3pref or ) .. qp3 .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if qp4 and options.qual4 and options.qual4 ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (').. (options.qual4pref or ) .. qp4 .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if qp5 and options.qual5 and options.qual5 ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (').. (options.qual5pref or ) .. qp5 .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if options.justthisqual then if onlyqualifier then s = onlyqualifier else if not options.justthisqual ~= then s = nil end-- We need only the qualifier end end if ro and options.withro and options.withro ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. ro .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if d and options.withdate and options.withdate ~= then if options.withdate == 'y' then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') 'سنة ' .. d .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) else s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. d .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end end if awardqual and options.awardqua and options.awardqua ~= then s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. awardqual .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if tf and options.withintervall and options.withintervall ~= then if options.withintervall == 'gift' then s = s .. mw.text.tag('br') .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. tf .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) else if options.withintervall == 'before' then s = mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. tf .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) .. s else s = s .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. tf .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end end end if utgivort and options.withutgivort and options.withutgivort ~= then if options.withutgivort == 'قوسين' then s = s .. ' ' .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. utgivort .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) else s = s .. ' ' .. utgivort end end if options.getsimpleproperty == 'född' and pr and pr ~= then s = s .. ' ' .. mw.text.tag('small', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') 'f. ' .. pr .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if options.getsimpleproperty == 'parentes' and pr and pr ~= then s = s .. ' ' .. mw.text.tag('span', {}, (options.qualifierprefix or ' (') .. pr .. (options.qualifiersuffix or ')')) end if options.getsimpleproperty == 'avnågon' and pr and pr ~= then s = s .. ' ' .. mw.text.tag('span', {}, ' av ' .. pr .. ) end if type(ref) == 'table' or (options.noref and options.noref ~=) then --Inte leta efter referenser om själva anropet görs från en referens table.insert( formattedStatements, s ) else local t = formatReferences( statement, options ) stat.ref = t if options.justref and options.justref ~= then table.insert( formattedStatements, t )

else table.insert( formattedStatements, s .. t ) end end end table.insert(statementsraw, stat) end end end local tot = mw.text.listToText( formattedStatements, options.separator, options.conjunction ) if tot == then tot = nil end if options.raw and options.raw ~= then return statementsraw end return tot end function formatReferences( statement, options ) local reference = {} if statement.references then local cite = require('وحدة:Cite') for i, ref in pairs(statement.references) do local items, s = {}, nil if ref.snaks then

if ref.snaks.P248 then for j, prop in pairs(ref.snaks.P248) do table.insert(items, 'Q' .. prop.datavalue.value['numeric-id']) end end if ref.snaks.P143 then for j, prop in pairs(ref.snaks.P143) do table.insert(items, 'Q' .. prop.datavalue.value['numeric-id']) end end s = cite.citeitem( items, ref.snaks, options )

end table.insert(reference, mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = "وسم", args = {'ref', s,ref.hash,cateref}}) end end return table.concat(reference) end

function formatStatement( statement, options )

   if statement.type == 'statement' then
   	local s = formatSnak( statement.mainsnak, options )
   	if statement.qualifiers then

if statement.qualifiers.P1350 or statement.qualifiers.P1351 then s.amatch = formatStatements({property = "P1350", enbarten = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or s.goal = formatStatements({property = "P1351", enbarten = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or end

if statement.qualifiers.P580 or statement.qualifiers.P582 or statement.qualifiers.P1365 or statement.qualifiers.P1366 then s.start1 = formatStatements({property = "P580", enbarten = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or ' ' s.finish1 = formatStatements({property = "P582", enbarten = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or ' ' s.before1 = formatStatements({property = "P1365", enbarten = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or ' ' s.after1 = formatStatements({property = "P1366", enbarten = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or ' ' s.constituency1 = formatStatements({property = "P768"}, statement.qualifiers) or ' ' s.series1 = formatStatements({property = "P1545", enbarten = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or ' ' s.electedin1 = formatStatements({property = "P2715"}, statement.qualifiers) or ' ' s.pp1001 = formatStatements({property = "P1001"}, statement.qualifiers) or ' '


   		if statement.qualifiers.P585 then
   			s.datum = formatStatements({property = "P585", enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true', modifytime = options.modifyqualifiertime}, statement.qualifiers)


                            local qwe = options.qwer

if statement.qualifiers.qwe then

   			s.ro = formatStatements({property = qwe, enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers)

end if statement.qualifiers.P574 then s.dateoftaxpub = formatStatements({property = "P574", enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true', modifytime = options.modifyqualifiertime}, statement.qualifiers) end if statement.qualifiers.P405 then local auktorer = {} for i, j in pairs(statement.qualifiers.P405) do if j.snaktype == 'value' then local item = 'Q' .. j.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] local auktorsnamn = formatStatements({property = "P428", entityId = item, noref = 'ja', enbarten = 'ja'}) if auktorsnamn and auktorsnamn ~= then table.insert(auktorer, formatEntityId(item, {label = auktorsnamn}).value) else table.insert(auktorer, formatEntityId(item, {}).value) end end end s.auktor = mw.text.listToText(auktorer, ', ', ' & ') end if statement.qualifiers.P580 or statement.qualifiers.P582 then local f = formatStatements({property = "P580", enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true', modifytime = options.modifyqualifiertime}, statement.qualifiers) or local t = formatStatements({property = "P582", enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true', modifytime = options.modifyqualifiertime}, statement.qualifiers) or s.tifr = f .. '–' .. t end if statement.qualifiers.P585 or statement.qualifiers.P1346 then local fo = formatStatements({property = "P585", enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true', modifytime = options.modifyqualifiertime}, statement.qualifiers) or local to = formatStatements({property = "P1346", enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true'}, statement.qualifiers) or s.foto = fo .. ' ' .. mw.text.tag('span', {}, ' ' .. to .. ) end if statement.qualifiers.P291 then -- خاصية بلد النشر s.utgivort = formatStatements({property = "P291", noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction}, statement.qualifiers) end if statement.qualifiers.P2096 then s.bildtext = formatStatements({property = "P2096", noref = 'true', langpref = (options.langpref or 'ar')}, statement.qualifiers) end if s then if options.qual1 and options.qual1 ~= and statement.qualifiers[options.qual1] then -- عرض تصفيات لبنود الخاصية s.qp1 = formatStatements({property = options.qual1, noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction,size =options.size,image =options.image}, statement.qualifiers) end if options.qual1a and options.qual1a ~= and statement.qualifiers[options.qual1a] then s.qp1a = formatStatements({property = options.qual1a, noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction}, statement.qualifiers) end if options.justthisqual and options.justthisqual ~= and statement.qualifiers[options.justthisqual] then s.onlyqualifier = formatStatements({property = options.justthisqual , noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction}, statement.qualifiers) end if options.qual2 and options.qual2 ~= and statement.qualifiers[options.qual2] then s.qp2 = formatStatements({property = options.qual2, noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction,size =options.size,image =options.image}, statement.qualifiers) end if options.qual3 and options.qual3 ~= and statement.qualifiers[options.qual3] then s.qp3 = formatStatements({property = options.qual3, noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction}, statement.qualifiers) end if options.qual4 and options.qual4 ~= and statement.qualifiers[options.qual4] then s.qp4 = formatStatements({property = options.qual4, noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction}, statement.qualifiers) end if options.qual5 and options.qual5 ~= and statement.qualifiers[options.qual5] then s.qp5 = formatStatements({property = options.qual5, noref = 'true', separator = options.qualifierseparator, conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction}, statement.qualifiers) end end


return s elseif not statement.type then return formatSnak( statement, options )


return {value = formatError( 'unknown-claim-type' )} end

function formatSnak( snak, options )

   if snak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then
   	if options.somevalue then
   		if options.somevalue ==  then
   			return nil
   			return {value = options.somevalue}
       return {value =  i18n['somevalue']}
   elseif snak.snaktype == 'novalue' then
   	if options.novalue then
   		if options.novalue ==  then
   			return nil
   			return {value = options.novalue}
       return {value = i18n['novalue']}
   elseif snak.snaktype == 'value' then
   	local s = formatDatavalue( snak.datavalue, options, snak.datatype )
   	if s and options.prefix and options.prefix ~=  then
   		s.value = options.prefix .. s.value
   	if s and options.suffix and options.suffix ~=  then
   		s.value = s.value .. options.suffix
       if s and s.item and options.getsimpleproperty and options.getsimpleproperty ~=  and options.getproperty and options.getproperty ~=  then
       	local pr = formatStatements({property = options.getproperty, entityId = s.item, enbarten = options.getenbarten, noref = 'ja', modifytime = options.getmodifytime, raw = options.getraw})
       	if pr then s.pr = pr end
       return s
       return {value = formatError( 'unknown-snak-type' )}

end function formatDatavalue( datavalue, options, datatype )

   --Use the customize handler if provided
   if options['value-module'] or options['value-function'] then
       if not options['value-module'] or not options['value-function'] then
           return {value = formatError( 'unknown-value-module' )}
       local formatter = require ('Module:' .. options['value-module'])
       if not formatter then
           return {value = formatError( 'value-module-not-found' )}
       local fun = formatter[options['value-function']]
       if not fun then
           return {value = formatError( 'value-function-not-found' )}
       return {value = fun( datavalue.value, options )}

   --Default formatters
  if datatype == 'wikibase-item'  then
       if options.formatting and options.formatting  ~=  

then if options.formatting == 'raw' then return {value = getEntityIdFromValue( datavalue.value )} else end elseif options.property1 and options.property1 ~= then for i, statement in pairs( datavalue ) do

       		local entit = getEntityIdFromValue( datavalue.value )
       		local caca = formatStatements( {property =options.property1, entityId = entit, noref =options.noref ,rank=options.rank,pattern =options.pattern,size =options.size,image =options.image,noref='true',enbarten ='true' })
                       local cooooca = (options.property1pref or ) .... caca .... (options.property1suff or )
       		local asdf = formatEntityId( entit , options ).value
       			if asdf and asdf  ~=  then
       		if caca and caca  ~=  then return {value =  cooooca .. ' '.. asdf  } else return {value = asdf  } end



elseif options.propertyimage and options.propertyimage ~= then for i, statement in pairs( datavalue ) do

       		local entit = getEntityIdFromValue( datavalue.value )
       		local caca = formatStatements( {property =options.propertyimage , entityId = entit, noref =options.noref ,rank=options.rank,pattern =options.pattern,size =options.size,image =options.image,noref='true',enbarten ='true' })
       		local asdf = formatEntityId( entit , options ).value
       		if caca and caca  ~=  then return {value =  caca } else 



elseif options.property2 and options.property2 ~= then for i, statement in pairs( datavalue ) do

       		local entit = getEntityIdFromValue( datavalue.value )
       		local caca = formatStatements( {property =options.property2, entityId = entit, noref =options.noref ,rank=options.rank,pattern =options.pattern,size =options.size,image =options.image,propertyimage =options.property3,enbarten ='true' })
       		local asdf = formatEntityId( entit , options ).value
       			if asdf and asdf  ~=  then
       		if caca and caca  ~=  then return {value =  caca .. ' '.. asdf  } else return {value = asdf  } end


      end else

return {value = formatEntityId( getEntityIdFromValue( datavalue.value ), options ).value}

           elseif datatype == 'wikibase-property' then
       if options.formatting and options.formatting  ~=  

then if options.formatting == 'raw' then return {value = getEntityIdFromValue( datavalue.value )} else end else end return {value = formatEntityId( getEntityIdFromValue( datavalue.value ), options ).value}

           elseif datatype == 'commonsMedia'  then --and datavalue.type == 'string'
       if options.image and options.image ~=  then
       		return {value = ''..'border'..'' } 
           return {value = versalisering(datavalue.value, options), label = datavalue.value}
   elseif datatype == 'math'  then 

--return {value = mw.text.tag('math', {}, .. datavalue.value..) } return {value =mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( '#tag:math', .. datavalue.value.. ) }

   elseif datatype == 'string'  or datatype == 'external-id' then
       if options.pattern and options.pattern ~=  then
       	if options.pattern == "auktoritetsdata" then
       		local patter = formatStatements( {property = "P1630", entityId = options.property, enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true' })
       		return {value = formatFromPattern( datavalue.value, {pattern = patter} )}
       	elseif options.pattern == "auktoritetsdata2" then
       		local patter = formatStatements( {property = "P1630", entityId = options.property, enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true' })
       		return {value = '[' .. formatFromPattern( datavalue.value, {pattern = patter} ) .. ' ' .. datavalue.value .. ']' } 
       	elseif options.pattern == "auktoritetsdata3" then
       		local patter = formatStatements( {property = "P1630", entityId = options.property, enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true' })
       		return {value = '[' .. formatFromPattern( datavalue.value, {pattern = patter} ) .. ' ' .. formatFromPattern( datavalue.value, {pattern = patter} ) .. ']' } 
           	return {value = formatFromPattern( versalisering(datavalue.value, options), options )}
           return {value = versalisering(datavalue.value, options), label = datavalue.value}
   elseif datatype == 'time' then
       local Time = require 'Module:Time2'
       local tid = Time.newFromWikidataValue( datavalue.value ):toHtml()
       if options.modifytime == 'Y' then
   		local mall = 'خطأ: زمن غير صحيح'
   		tid = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mall)
   	elseif options.modifytime == 'F' then
   		local mall = 'خطأ: زمن غير صحيح'
   		tid = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mall)
   	elseif options.modifytime == 'j' then
   		local mall = 'خطأ: زمن غير صحيح'
   		tid = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mall)
   	elseif options.modifytime == 'j F Y' then
   		local mall = 'خطأ: زمن غير صحيح'
   		tid = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mall)
   	elseif options.modifytime == 'j F' then
   		local mall = 'خطأ: زمن غير صحيح'
   		tid = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mall)
   	elseif options.modifytime == 'q' then
   		local mall = datavalue.value.time
   		tid = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mall)
   	elseif options.modifytime == 'qq' then
   		local mall = datavalue.value
   		tid = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mall)
       return {value = tid}
   elseif datatype == 'globe-coordinate' then
       --local GlobeCoordinate = require 'Module:GlobeCoordinate'
       --return {value = GlobeCoordinate.newFromWikidataValue( datavalue.value ):toHtml()}

local coord = datavalue.value local globetable = { Q2 = 'earth', Q111 = 'mars', Q405 = 'moon'} if options.formatting and options.formatting ~= then if options.formatting == 'latitude' then return {value =coord.latitude } elseif options.formatting == 'longitude' then return {value =coord.longitude } elseif options.formatting == 'dimension' then return {value =coord.dimension } elseif options.formatting == 'precision' then return {value =coord.precision} --elseif options.formatting == 'coord' then --return {value = } else

end else return {value =mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = "coord", args = {coord.latitude,coord.longitude,display=inline} }..catewikidatainfo(options) } end

elseif datatype == 'quantity' then local amount, unit, cat = datavalue.value.amount, datavalue.value.unit, nil if unit then unit = unit:match('Q%d+') end local formatera = require('وحدة:Math') local number = formatera.newFromWikidataValue(datavalue.value)

local unitraw = unit if unit then -- يتحقق اذا كان هناك اي اختصار لوحدة القياس local lab = options.label or formatStatements({property = 'P498', entityId = unit, enbarten = 'true', noref = 'true'}) or formatStatements({property = 'P558', entityId = unit, enbarten = 'true', langpref = options.langpref, noref = 'true'}) if lab and ( not options.nounitshort or options.nounitshort == ) then local s = formatEntityId( unit, {label = lab, nolink = (options.nounitlink or options.nolink) }) unit = s.value cat = s.cat else -- om det inte finns en förkortning local s = formatEntityId( unit, {nolink = options.nounitlink}) unit = s.value cat = s.cat end end return {value = number .. ' ' .. (unit or ), amount = amount, unit = unit, unitraw = unitraw, cat = cat}

elseif datatype == 'url' then if options.label and options.label ~= then return {value = '[' .. datavalue.value .. ' ' .. options.label .. ']'} else return {value = datavalue.value} end

elseif datatype == 'monolingualtext' then

lange = '('.. mw.language.fetchLanguageName(datavalue.value.language, 'ar')..')'

if not options.langpref or options.langpref == then valu = mw.text.tag('span', {title = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(datavalue.value.language, 'ar')}, datavalue.value.text) else if options.langpref == datavalue.value.language then valu = mw.text.tag('span', {title = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(datavalue.value.language, 'ar')}, datavalue.value.text) end end if options.showlang and options.showlang ~= then return {value = valu ..' '..lange, text = datavalue.value.text} else return {value = valu , text = datavalue.value.text} end

       return {value = formatError( 'unknown-datatype' )}


function formatEntityId( entityId, options ) local label = options.label or mw.wikibase.label( entityId ) if label == then label = mw.wikibase.label( entityId ) or nil end

   local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( entityId )
   if link and (not options.nolink or options.nolink == ) then
       if label and label ~=  then
           return {value = '' .. versalisering(label, options) .. ''.. catewikidatainfo(options), label = label }
           return {value = '' .. versalisering(link, options) .. ''.. catewikidatainfo(options), label = link }
   	if label then
   		return {value = versalisering(label, options), label = label}
   	else return 
   		--local s = getLabelFromFallBack( entityId )
   		--local l = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(s.language, 'ar')
   		--if not l or l ==  then
   			--l = 'okänt språk'
   		--if s then
   			--return {value = mw.text.tag('span', {title = l, ['data-q'] = entityId, class='modulwikidata2_missingswedishlabel'}, versalisering(s.value, options) ), cat = 'Wikidataetiketter på ' .. l, label = s.value }
   	return  --{value = entityId, cat = 'som har labels med Qid', label = entityId}


function formatFromPattern( str, options )

   return mw.ustring.gsub( options.pattern, '$1', str ) ..  --الحصول على اول نتيجة للدالة


local p = {}

function p.formatEntityId( entityId, options ) return formatEntityId( entityId, (options or {}) ) end

function p.formatStatements( frame, key )

   local args = frame.args

   --If a value if already set, use it
   if args.value and args.value ~=  then
       return args.value
   return formatStatements( frame.args, key )


function p.formatStatementsFromLua( options, key )

   --If a value if already set, use it
   if options.value and options.value ~=  then
       return options.value
   local s = formatStatements( options, key )
   if s ==  then
   	s = nil
   return s


function p.getSiteLink(frame)

local project = frame.args[1] local id = frame.args[2] local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id) if not entity or entity == then return nil end local link = entity:getSitelink(project)

var = link

return var


function descriptionIn(langcode,id) local lan = langcode or 'ar' local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id) if entity and entity.descriptions and entity.descriptions[..lan..] and entity.descriptions[..lan..].value then local lang = entity.descriptions[..lan..] if lang['language'] == lan then return entity.descriptions[..lan..].value else return nil end end end

function labelIn(langcode,id) local lan = langcode or 'ar' local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id) if entity and entity.labels and entity.labels[..lan..] and entity.labels[..lan..].value then local lang = entity.labels[..lan..] if lang['language'] == lan then return entity.labels[..lan..].value else return nil end end end

function p.descriptionIn(frame) local langcode = frame.args[1] local id = frame.args[2] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration

return descriptionIn( langcode ,id ) end

function p.labelIn(frame) local langcode = frame.args[1] local id = frame.args[2] -- "id" must be nil, as access to other Wikidata objects is disabled in Mediawiki configuration

return labelIn( langcode ,id ) end function p.pageId(frame) local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if not entity then return nil else return entity.id end end

function p.Dump(frame) local f = (frame.args[1] or frame.args.id) and frame or frame:getParent() local data = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(f.args.id) if not data then return i18n.warnDump end

local i = 1 while true do local index = f.args[i] if not index then return frame:extensionTag("source", mw.dumpObject(data),{ lang= 'lua'}).. i18n.warnDump


data = data[index] or data[tonumber(index)] if not data then return i18n.warnDump end

i = i + 1 end end

return p